Deworming and vaccination calendar

When we adopt a puppy, we are sure to ask ourselves when vaccines and worming are , and which ones are obligatory or not. To help you calm down all your doubts we bring you the definitive deworming and vaccines calendar, to bring your puppy up to date.

The definitive deworming and vaccination calendar

The puppies are still forming their body and their immune system, so they are more exposed to certain risks and diseases , especially those that are caused by parasites or viruses, which is why it is essential to have your card up to date with all vaccines.

Deworming should start when the puppy is between 21 and 30 days old . Here should be administered the first pill that will help especially to avoid worms in the stomach, an evil that 90% of puppies suffer. These could cause severe digestive disorders that would remain for a lifetime, or could even lead to death.

After this first time, it will be the veterinarian who determines when the next deworming will be based on the rhythm of life of the animal, in its size and its race. Although this is something that will have to be done throughout life.

The intensity and space of time will not be the same for a puppy that lives in the field as for one who lives in the city, because the first one will be more exposed.

As we said, the veterinarian will tell you when, but each deworming will be done one to three months after the last one. It will be carried out in this way:

  • Between 21 and 30 days of age a syrup or a paste designed especially for puppies will be used. As he will still be nursing, it will not be possible for him to digest tablets.
  • After a month and a half of age, when he has already had the first vaccine, he will have to be dewormed before this. If you have not been properly stripped before applying the vaccine, your body will not be prepared for it to have the desired effect. In fact, it will be necessary to do a stool test to make sure it is free of parasites before administering the vaccine.
  • Between three and six months , especially if the dog lives in the field, you will have to apply a tablet every month, and in one of the shots you will have to match the rabies vaccine, which is administered at six months of age.
  • After the six months will be a quarterly deworming if you live in town, monthly if you live in the field or very exposed to it.

Exceptions outside the deworming and vaccination schedule

There are exceptions in which we must remove our dog to avoid dangerous situations, especially for those around him. For example:

  • A baby . If a new baby arrives in the family, before taking it home it would be essential that our dog be dewormed, just in case.
  • If you go to a residence. When the animals are They use in the cases of elderly or sick people as therapy in residences, it is vital that they are also properly dewormed.
  • A sick person at home. If you have to be in the care of a sick person at home, this is another reason.