Pets who visit us at The Bark Station leave feeling happy, healthy and rejuvenated!
Our gentle professionals offer a range of pet grooming services to ensure your dog is clean and well manicured:
- Bathing
- We bathe our dogs 3 times, ending with a hypo-allergenic shampoo that's very gentle. They're all individually dried, individually brushed, and given dedicated attention
- Express anal glands on request of the owner
- Trim Toenails
- Every pet needs a manicure!
- Clean Ears
- Ears can be one of the most sensitive areas of a dog that are most prone to infection if not cleaned properly. Our gentle technique ensures they stay clean and free of dirt and debris!
- Clean Pads
- For our long haired dogs
- Trim to what the owner wants!
- Not what the shop wants!
Give your pet the treatment they deserve, call us today to set up an appointment with one of our professional groomers!